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read 336 vote 0 2025.01.21 (15:53:13)

Humans are social animals. If the multiplier effect of human sociability is good, then risk is evil. Good and evil are symmetrical, but they are not identical. As cars develop, the risk of accidents increases, but the number of accidents does not increase in proportion to the improvement of cars. This is because humans respond to risk.

Humans are social animals, power-oriented animals, and civilized animals. They are power-oriented in that they form groups and act as if they are a single entity due to their sociability. They are civilized in that the results of group cohesion feedback and act as causes that accumulate in one direction.

Human power dynamics are neither selfish nor altruistic; they are group-centered behaviors that transcend self-interest and altruism, representing a higher level of value. Both selfish and altruistic behaviors are social behaviors. The issue of balancing investment and distribution in society is merely a matter of either reaping the benefits of society or contributing to it.

Human sociality causes groups to move in predictable directions. This means that humans create new values that transcend primary values such as happiness, pleasure, and love. The dynamics of individuals seeking roles within a group ultimately exert moral pressure, power pressure, and civilizational pressure on society.

There is a clear direction influenced by human sociality, power, and civilization. Just as the evolution of organisms is determined by evolutionary pressures that guide them to find appropriate ecological niches, humans acquire suitable positions and roles through social pressures. The pressures of morality, power, and civilization acting in a certain direction within society are considered good.

Good is the action that creates coherence with the direction of societal development. The acts of individuals observing their groups coalesce to create a significant flow. Good exists as a tangible entity representing the direction of social pressure, and it amplifies waves through coherence. The goodwill of individuals aligns with the goodwill of others, creating a greater goodwill.

If A helps B and B also helps A, a new asset called trust is created. A and B will gain additional income beyond the value they originally sought. This is the multiplier effect of goodwill. It is as if goodness has created something that did not exist before. A couple acted in their own desired ways, and as a result, they had a baby.

Evil causes confusion because humans do not use terms strictly. The natural state of humans is one of distrust, and trust arises secondarily from goodness. However, humans mistakenly believe that they are inherently filled with trust, leading to the illusion that evil, as a sudden action, disrupts the trust in society.

Illusion - Evil has invaded from the outside and shattered the inherent trust within.
Truth - Trust has been generated internally through self-propagation and remains unverified, making it precarious.

This is confusion that arises from humans miscommunicating. Goodness is coherence, and it clearly causes a multiplier effect through the amplification of waves, which economists mathematically prove. A single act of goodness can create a multiplier effect of up to four times. The multiplier effect is coherence, while evil destroys the game itself.

Evil is not the opposite of goodness, nor is it a deficiency of goodness; it is a flaw in goodness. If evil were the opposite of goodness, then evil would increase as goodness increases. When cars improve, traffic accidents should also increase. In reality, traffic accidents are decreasing over time. Evil is a temporary lag phenomenon where the advancement of cars is not matched by driving skills.

Evil is the opposite of goodness. - As cars improve, accidents increase.
Evil is a deficiency of goodness. - As cars improve, accidents decrease.
Evil is a flaw in goodness. - There is a time lag between the advancement of cars and the advancement of driving skills.

The perspective that views evil as a deficiency of good is a Platonic one. If evil is a lack of good, then we can solve the problem by injecting more good; however, evil is a risk of good, and often good intentions can inadvertently foster evil. Evil arises when humans cannot control their excitement. The greater the good, the more there are individuals who target weak links and become excited.

Humans should be good, but they must also be able to control that goodness well. The illusion of good creates structural weak links in society, increasing societal risks. While cars should be good, driving skills must also improve. Since the evolution of driving skills cannot surpass the advancement of automobiles, good and evil must coexist.

Good... The multiplier effect resulting from the coherence of social actions.
Evil... The risks associated with excessive dependence on the multiplier effect.

What happens when the first person who lies appears in a society without lies? The liar is worshipped as a god, and that society is destroyed. As humanity gains benefits from nuclear power plants, the risk of humanity's destruction due to nuclear weapons simultaneously increases. However, since humanity is well-controlling nuclear power, it will not lead to our downfall.

Good and evil are symmetrical yet not symmetrical; the increase of good does not necessarily mean the increase of evil. There is a risk of evil growing, but it can be controlled by humans. There is a proportional formula here. The increasing risk of traffic accidents as cars develop is solved by artificial intelligence, but what if the autopilot is hacked?

The increase in social pressure comes with certain risks, so it must be monitored. China harbors an illusion of benevolent emperors due to the reigns of emperors like Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong during the Qing Dynasty. The country has become precarious as they try to elevate Xi Jinping to the status of a benevolent emperor. We must dismantle our illusions about goodness.

It should be a good that is based on science, not just a good that comes from a kind heart. Evil is a malfunction of good, and while all tools can break down, they can be prevented through maintenance. That is the purpose of an insurance system. We must understand that good is leverage. Wealthy people all make money through leverage, but they can lose it all in a single black swan event.

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