
우라늄 값 급등요인 발생

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프로필 이미지
수원나그네  2020.03.16
호주가 우라늄 채굴 중단

프로필 이미지 [레벨:13]kilian   2020.03.16.

이제 원자력 발전 하려면 연료 채굴부터 폐기물 처리까지 해당 국가에서 모두 처리해야할 듯 하군요... 

프로필 이미지 [레벨:13]귀타귀   2020.03.16.
Uranium production is carried out in about 13 countries around the world, in 2017 producing a cumulative total of 59,462 tonnes of uranium (tU). The international producers were Kazakhstan (39%), Canada (22%), Australia (10%), Namibia (7.1%), Niger (5.8%), Russian Federation (4.9%), Uzbekistan (4.0%), China (3.2%), United States (1.6%), Ukraine (0.9%), India (0.7%), South Africa (0.5%) and Pakistan (0.1%). Since 2009 the in-situ leach (ISL) operations of Kazakhstan have been producing the largest share of world uranium.