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read 12372 vote 0 2013.11.12 (12:08:25)

카르페 디엠, '오늘은 붙잡아라'는 말이다.

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Carpe diem are the words that begin the last line of a Latin poem by Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65 BC – 8 BC), more widely known as Horace. The poem is in Horace's Odes Book 1, number 11.


Original usage from Odes 1.11, in Latin:


Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi

finem di dederint, Leuconoe, nec Babylonios

temptaris numeros. ut melius, quidquid erit, pati.

seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam,

quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare:

Tyrrhenum sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi

spem longam reseces. dum loquimur, fugerit invida

aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.


Original usage from Odes 1.11, in English:


Don't ask (it's forbidden to know) what end

the gods have to me or you, Leuconoe. Don't play with Babylonian

numerology either. How much better it is to endure whatever will be!

Whether Jupiter has allotted to sink you many more winters or this final one

which even now wears out the Tyrrhenian sea on the rocks placed opposite

— be wise, be truthful, strain the wine, and scale back your long hopes

to a short period. While we speak, envious time will have already fled:

seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next (day)[/future].

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