프로필 이미지
read 1322 vote 0 2021.12.09 (11:55:50)

원문없이 읽어보시고 느낌을 나누면 좋겠습니다. 이전에는 구글번역기를 이용한 자동화에 초점을 맞추었지만 결과가 어색하여, 이번엔 수작업을 통해 최대한 영어식으로 표현을 정제하였습니다. 글의 내용도 일부 수정하거나 첨가한 부분이 있고요. 그게 더 자연스럽다고 생각하였습니다. 그리고 구글 검색에 얼마나 노출되는지에 대한 테스트도 겸합니다.


Correct defining & The supernatural

The teachings of Confucius are, in a word, correct defining. He taught us not to speak groundless bullshit. Language has meaning only when it is connected to a higher concept. The starting point of that connection is the sharing of an event.

Speaking out of context is bullshit. Snobs' crooked will to power is the cause of bullshit. Advocating for the supernatural is an act of gaining public attention with a low cost. They define themselves as powerless in public. Since he is the weak, he thinks it is okay to speak bullshit in order to fight the tyranny of the strong. They claim a variety of nonsense, including conspiracy theories, the supernatural power, transpersonality, flat Earth, UFOs, ghosts, heaven, afterlife, and infinite power.

It is a struggle to find one's share in the middle without going to the end of the great road of truth. The same goes for witchcraft, shamanism, pseudo-religion, ultranationalism, and creation science. Oriental medicine without a verification system and religious groups without self-purification should also be criticized. Modern psychology and sociology are more like superstitions than science.

Their common goal is just to beat the opponent. They are not interested in the truth, but only in blaming, booing, and ridiculing others. If it costs them 1x to speak bullshit, it costs a scientist 10x to refute them. Snobs place traps to make his opponent spend more money and time, and if his opponent falls into these traps, he thinks he's won the game. This is the snobs' shaking-tree outside the group. It's like a kid who doesn't have the courage to talk to a girl, so he wanders around and interrupts. Those who are just trying to win cannot participate in the high-level conversations of adults.

The easiest way to win a debate is to destroy the language. You can think of the broken windows theory. If we let them break the windows, the common property of mankind, the language, will be destroyed. Therefore, we should stay away from "The supernatural" and use language properly. This is Confucius' "Correct defining".
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