프로필 이미지
read 4750 vote 0 2013.04.26 (14:04:44)

마음의 다섯 길잡이


An invitation to those that seek to be driven by passion, to those that seek meaning.

In order for something to be meaningful, the cause must derive not from others but from yourself. The work you do to impress others will only pull you down to slavery. A slave cannot find any meaning other than to please its master. Do not try to please anyone; do not try to please yourself; do not try to please your God. Your God seeks no slaves.

Rather, break from your shackles and have no masters. What makes you fight your true self is in itself a shackle that binds you. Be an independent thinker free from any single ethnicity, religion, or idea. Having this freedom requires that you stand as a strong and independent individual. It requires that you change every part of your life.

Having freedom does not mean that you do whatever you wish to do. Many people mistake egocentricity with freedom. A free man knows what his tools are and how to use them. A consumer has freedom when he has money in a shopping mall; that you can go to every store in a mall is meaningless if without money. Likewise, a soldier is free when he is equipped with appropriate ammunition. And a writer is free when he has a channel to express his words.

Only then will you find true love and friendship. As these relationships extend, you will be able to form a team that is meaningful. A slave cannot become a team member as he is only a slave; only strong individuals capable of teamwork are welcome. As a team, you are able to achieve a common goal, thereby attaining happiness. A slave knows not of this happiness.

Come, let us be friends. Let us stand in the center of the world and be filled with passion. Let our relationship invite all to this world of happiness. It starts with you and me, strong and free individuals.


2013.04.26 (14:05:54)

소화한 만큼만 토해냅니다.
프로필 이미지 [레벨:12]wisemo

2013.04.26 (21:02:18)

인생이란게 무엇을 소화한 만큼만 써먹는 것 같아요^^
"A slave cannot become a team member as he is only a slave..."
생장점이 무뎌지고, 에너지가 들어가는 입구가 틀어막힌게 노예포지션. 소통하는 공동체, 가치있고 에너지원이 솟아나는 공동체라면 강한 개인들이 무제한 복제될 것이구만요. 존엄을 잃어가는 집단속에서 무엇을 이룰 수 있을까를 생각하게 하는 시절이네요...
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